Lydia Shompole

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Belated 23rd







I spent my 23rd in such a calm fashion that I'm still perplexed as to how it happened.

My parents had called me midweek to ask me if I wanted to road trip to Seattle with them for my birthday weekend. We left early morning and arrived at this little event center a bit out of Covington, WA. After stuffing our faces with all of the Kenyan food at this place we ventured out into the city to watch the fourth of July fireworks. For some reason I always feel as if the celebration is for my birthday haha but we all know it isn't. 

The following day we spent riding a makeshift childrens' mini tricycle down a giant hill with the other children. It felt like for that weekend I was a kid again. That I had no worries, no stresses, that my parents are right there watching me to make sure I can hold myself up. It was pure bliss. 

We went on a mini hike through the forest behind the event center and took a few of the photos below. 


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